We Are Open and Here for You
With the issues caused by the COVID-19/Coronavirus Pandemic, we wanted to assure you that you will continue to have uninterrupted access to your finances through Workmen’s Circle Credit Union. As a financial institution, the credit union is considered an essential service and, as such, able to continue to serve you over the phone, online, and in person. For both your protection and that of our staff, we are asking for your assistance in limiting face-to-face contact.
We invite you to connect with us in any of the following ways:
• We encourage you to utilize the outside dropbox for payments and deposits.
• Please call ahead for withdrawals and allow checks to be mailed if possible.
• Internet Branching is open 24/7 from your laptop, tablet, or smartphone.
• Our Member Services Department is available at 912-356-9225 for general questions, concerns or help with transactions. Hours are Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
These unprecedented events have brought uncertainty many of us have never experienced before, and as your financial partner, we want you to know: we are here to help. Whether you are in need of assistance with your mortgage, consumer loan, or are just concerned about your financial picture in general, please reach out to us. We have a number of tools in place to see you through this time.
The health and safety of our members and staff continue to remain our highest priority, and we remain committed to providing unmatched service to you always, and especially now.